Unit 1 Lesson 1: Meeting Technology

Lesson 1: Technology to the Rescue
Big Idea: Technology addresses our current wants and needs.Through innovation, humans have changed natural resources into products.

Purpose: Technology's purpose is primarily to meet human needs and wants. As societies' needs change, so does technology, through creative innovation.

Learning Objectives:

  • I can identify why humans develop technology to meet individual needs and wants.

  • I can examine how products are improved and invented based on current needs to solve problems that could not be solved without new and improved technology.

  • I can utilize creativity to develop technology to meet a need or want in order to have a better understanding of of its need in the design of technology.

  • I can analyze and explain how science, mathematics, and history ensure that technology is developed with more precision and accuracy in meeting the needs of individuals.

  • I can recognize how current technologies are are often a result of improvements made over time based on current needs and wants using a methodical process studying historical developments of the specific technology and other similar technology.

  • I can develop presentations to demonstrate how technology has been modified to meet the demands of society, industry, and/or individuals.



Learning Objectives:


Part 1: Identify what technology is and how its primary purpose is to meet our needs and wants in Engineering Design Journals (EDJs).

1. Identify and sketch a picture of something in your Engineering Design Journal (EDJ) that you need or want, that is not a living thing, and that you cannot live without. Then respond to the following questions:

(1) Explain why you need the object in the picture.
(2) Might others need the same object?
(3) How would anyone use the object in the same way you to do complete an everyday task?
(4) How would anyone use the object differently than you would to complete an everyday task?
* Prepare to share with the class and make a valid argument for your improved object as being the most wanted.
2. Open and copy/paste Student Resource 1.1.1: Words to Know advanced organizer onto a new Google Doc in your Google Drive folder for our class. Then complete it as you view Presentation 1.1.1: Meeting Technology Unit 1, Lesson 1 (slides 4-8).
Is technology a product/tangible artifact?
It can be, but it does not have to be.
3. Copy the Big Idea for the lesson in your Engineering Design Journal (EDJ). Then rewrite this lesson's Big Idea in your own words. Be prepared to share your responses.
Part 2: Examine the seven different types of technology in the Design World. Work in teams, in assembly line fashion to produce a product that provides examples of all seven types of technologies. Students will add to their EDJs.


4. In collaborative pairs, complete a printed copy of Student Resource 1.1.2: Different But Still a Family - Technology Systems graphic organizer while using slide 9 of Presentation 1.1.1: Meeting Technology Unit 1, Lesson 1 .
5. Notes for the Seven Different Types of Technology in the Designed World:
a.You do not need to memorize every detail on Student Resource 1.1.2: Different But Still a Family - Technology Systems; you just need to generally understand the content.
b. Technology is divided into systems.
c. These systems help humans make sense of the Designed World.
d. Systems rarely work by themselves and are dependent on each other.
6. When finished, inform the teacher if you and your partner want to go online to find pictures of things that you think best represent the seven technologies represented on the Student Resource 1.1.2.: Different But Still a Family - Technology Systems slide. The seven techology systems are:
a. Medical Technologies
b. Agricultural and Related Biotechnologies
c. Energy and Power Technologies
d. Information and Communication Technologies
e. Transportation Technologies
f. Manufacturing Technologies
g. Construction Technologies
Part 3: Technology not only addresses the individual needs and wants of humans but, also societal and community concerns. Guided by presentation and other resources, complete notes and discuss, adding to your EDJs.
7. Use slides 10 and 11 of the Presentation 1.1.1: Meeting Technology Unit 1, Lesson 1 to complete Student Resource 1.1.4: Unit 1 Notes advanced organizer. This will either be a printed copied or you will ask to copy/paste this as a Google Doc.
8. Notes for Unit 1 Notes Slides and Advanced Organizer:
a. Technology is the modification of natural resources and human made materials to meet human needs or wants and to solve problems that could not be done without technology.
b. Technology products/artifacts are not just electronics but also everything in society that helps humans to complete everyday tasks, such as combs, shoes, buildings, cars, lights, etc.
c. Technology is not just products/artifacts but also the actions that humans take to create, invent, and innovate.
d. Technology exists because humans develop it out of a need or want that must be satisfied (e.g., fire, shelter).
e. Humans improve technology when needs or wants change or need updating.
f. Creativity is an asset to technology development.
g. When technology is able to meet the need or want of humans, that is what makes it creative.
h. Creativity involves being able to find solutions to problems that ordinarily without any brainstorming would be possible to solve.
i. Creativity also designing a product that positively impacts society with minimal to no amount of harm caused as the result of its use (output), its development (processing), or contents used/selected (input).
j. Technology is often produced in teams because collective ideas have more options and variety than just one person's contribution.
k. However, individual ideas alone have often resulted in new products and systems to help solve problems.
i. Best teaming practices take place when members take turns talking, are considerate of others, and appreciative of others' ideas.
m. Technology is often a result to improvements on pre-existing designs.
n. Think about a product that would not exist without the use of a new technology and the impact(s) that may have resulted if it did not exist (e.g. electricity and products that rely on electricity).
o. Think about a product that could not have been developed without science, mathematics, and history and how those subjects contributed to the product's development (e.g., the computer, transportation, etc.).
p. Science is a huge contributor to the development of technology.
q. The research and discoveries that take place enable humans to make better selections of materials used to develop new technologies.
r. Engineers take the project ideas developed by technology and design and produce what was once an idea to be an actual product to be used.
s. Fantasy becomes reality.
t. Science, mathematics, and history ensure that technology is developed with more precision and accuracy in meeting the needs of individuals.

.Part 4: Working individually or in groups, develop and deliver a presentaation on different types of technologies and their various uses.

a. Work in pairs to produce a presentation about different types of technology that have improved over the last 20 years by developing either a (a) Google Slides or Keynote presentation. (b) Powerpoint presentation
b. Follow specific criteria for this product:
i. The seven types of technology in the Designed World are represented.
ii. Science and mathematics used to engage in, produce, operate the technologies are explained.
iii. Two examples from each type are presented.
iv. Examples are labeled as "Need" or "Want," and the reasoning for this label is explained.
v. Any improvements based upon the changing needs of society, industry, and/or individuals are explained.

Part 5: Develop a 500 word (typed) report or a digital timeline about how a specific technology has evolved over the past 60 years.

Optional for Extra Credit: Develop a 500 word-processed report or a detailed timeline about how a scientific technology has developed over the past 60 years.
Module VI (Evaluation): Your knowledge, skills, and attitudes are assessed using Engineering Design Journals, class participation constructed response items, performance rubrics, and an end of unit test.
Unit 1 Test